Costas Tsoclis, Danger Ι (1988)

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The artwork «Danger! Ι» was created during the 1st Art Symposium (1988)

“Danger! I” is a continuation of a 1974 painting by international artist Costas Tsoclis. As in all of his works, here as well, the nuanced play with space is obvious. The real, lived space is transformed into a fictitious, aesthetic space, giving the viewer a deeper insight into this concept. The almost without perspective view of the work creates an uncomfortable situation for the viewer and makes it look as though it spreads in two dimensions, as the visually vague existence of the glass creates another misleading space. The red door, indicative of the artist’s work, symbolises danger and blood at the same time, hence the essence of life. Therefore, the work could be considered a risk sign to human existence in space and time.


Πανεπιστημίου 56, Κτίριο ΕΡΜΗΣ
Τ.Κ. 10678, Αθήνα
Τηλ +30 215 500 7712