Frosso Michalea, Terpsis (1999)

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The artwork «Terpsis» was added to the Foundation’s collection in 1999

“Terpsis” (1990) is an early example of the sculptural practice Michalea began to develop in the 1990s. Maintaining a special interest in morphology and abstract forms, the artist turns to more dynamic forms, with metal as a main material, while placing emphasis on the relationship of the geometric form to the space. This piece creates a sense of movement which alludes to the diversity of nature, while the incorporation of letters into the basic form of the composition provides a verbal character to it, urging the viewer to attempt to read the letters which form the title of the piece, which successfully describes one of its purposes: the pleasure of the senses.

The work has been moved for restoration purposes.


Πανεπιστημίου 56, Κτίριο ΕΡΜΗΣ
Τ.Κ. 10678, Αθήνα
Τηλ +30 215 500 7712