Rena Papaspyrou, Image in the Matter and Addition (1990)

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The artwork «Image in the Matter and Addition» was created during the 2nd Art Symposium (1990), the theme of which was «A New Mediterranean Cultural Identity»

The past and its depiction on matter is the main interest of visual artist Rena Papaspyrou (born 1938). Centering on unconventional surfaces and detached pieces from old building walls, she creates conceptual artworks which emphasise the existing formations/forms of surfaces. By adding a variety of other materials, the artist reexamines the notion of space, reaffirming its visual material substance. “Image in the Matter and Addition” embodies this creative notion. Here, a new wall integrates a piece of an old one; the two harmoniously coexisting, the same way the past is integrated into a human personality on the road to evolution. Thus, the memories which the old wall brings are reborn and resurrected in a new environment, creating new relationships with the space, and with the passage of time they acquire a new history, just like the work itself, which over time changes its configuration and dimensions.


Πανεπιστημίου 56, Κτίριο ΕΡΜΗΣ
Τ.Κ. 10678, Αθήνα
Τηλ +30 215 500 7712