Yiannis Parmakelis: Mechanics 1978-2006

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This catalogue contains works by the distinguished sculptor Yiannis Parmakelis, which were presented in Crete at Minos Beach art hotel and concern his works under the theme “Mechanics.” These are creations in which Parmakelis moves on from an intuitive understanding of the natural world to new and increasingly precise “mechanical” forms. The world that they comprise reflects the technological present and makes perceptible our knowledge of modern reality.

Editor: Takis Mavrotas

Translation: Alexander Zaphiriou

Proof Reading: Eric Sofras

Design and Artistic Layout: Maria Stefossi

Photographs: Maria Stefossi, Yannis Vacharidis, Yannis Glynos

Printing, Binding: G. Detorakis SA


Πανεπιστημίου 56, Κτίριο ΕΡΜΗΣ
Τ.Κ. 10678, Αθήνα
Τηλ +30 215 500 7712